Selasa, 01 November 2016

Flood in Bandung

September 2016, Bandung has entered the rainy season. A season with full of happiness to people who lacks of water & experiencing drought. But, some of which, might feel burdened in their own reason.

On 24th September 2016, Monday, happened a terrible flood in certain areas of Bandung. The most popular happened in Pasteur and Pagarsih. This was assumed to have been caused by the leaking dam. Our mayor, Ridwan Kamil, said that the dam was built outside of his permission. 

The FIRST incident happened in Pagarsih. A peacefully parked car was pushed away by a strong flowing water who was told to have formed a new "river". It pushed away a black Grand Livina car who was owned by a showroom. The car was parked in front of a showroom when this happened. The car was pushed along Pagarsih until it goes into a ditch. But, before it goes into a ditch, the powerless pushed car hit a tricycle & both of them was lost for a moment and thankfully it is found now. Thankfully, no one was involved in the incident.

The SECOND incident happened in Setiabudi street, specifically in front of Borma department store. Ade, who was one of borma's employee, tried to help a woman --from a school across Borma --.who was floating off because of the flood. Unfortunately, Ade floated off too for about 20 meters long and was found dead inside a ditch. But, good thing the woman wasn't dead.

The THIRD happened in Pasteur. It was a great flood for 1 meter high & it caused a traffic in the intersection of sukajadi & pasteur flyover. the vehicles then was told to reroute to Sutami, up to Sukajadi & coonnecting to the region of Surya Sumantri to then enter the freeway. The motorbikes were rerouted in a different way, they were rerouted to Sukamulya and to Kebon Jeruk.

Bandung's mayor, Ridwan Kamil, is affording his best to avoid incident like this to happen again by managing the drainage system in Bandung. Hopefully, things like this won't happen anymore.

by : laurell olina / 8a / 13. (ICT)

Jumat, 22 Juli 2016

My last holiday

I spent my last holiday with my family at Jakarta for 4 days 3 nights. We didn't go somewhere far from Bandung because my mom can't leave her boutique for a long period of time since there were such problems who distracted the shop. Yet, i still enjoyed the whole vacation and i felt so pleased.

As planned, we woke up early in the morning in order to avoid such traffics later at the freeway. When i woke up, i straightly went to the bathroom and took a shower. Then, I dressed myself up in a comfy t shirt and short pants. Being finished putting our stuffs inside the car, we went to our grandma's house to board out our rabbit we owned since we had no one to take care of our rabbit. On the way to my grandma's house, it was a little confusing for us to decide which way to go since the streets were closed due to shalat id. And finally, we found our way to our grandma's house and board out our rabbit. Right after that, we went to Jakarta and arrived there at 9 a.m. Actually, we arrived way to early because as we may know, the estimated check in time is at 12 o' clock and malls were still closed at that time being. So we dropped in to our cousin's house to waste our time. When the time showed 11.30, we went to Ritz Carlton Mega Kuningan and rested there for hours. In the afternoon, we went to Senayan City for a dinner. But, instead of having a dinner, my brother asked if he could buy a pair of sneakers and my parents said yes. My brother's a little picky boy so it took him forever just to choose a single pair. We were very very starving, yet anxious waiting for his decision. Finally after a million years, my brother gave us his final decision and we hurriedly paid for that. We rushed to Sushi Tei and ate our dinner there hastily because the restaurant was just about to close.And lastly, we finally got ourselves back to our hotel. I slept soundly in the comfy bed.

In my second day, i woke up at 9 a.m. and got ready for breakfast. We went to the lobby floor and registered our room number. As the waitress led us to our table, we began to take the foods we prefered. I felt so full after eating those delicious foods. Then we went back to our room and watched a movie Cinderella together. After that, i dressed up in my swimsuit and went swimming with my brother, Cailyn, and Caitlyn. We had so much fun playing in the water together. When the time showed 12, we went back to our room and rinse our bodies. After that, i dressed up in a blue jumpsuit with french braids on my head. Being finished, my parents forced me to company my brother in the "RitzKids" activity which is for children below 11. So i went to the ballroom and met both Cait and Cai. While they were having fun, i sneaked out at the back eating hamburger and macaroni. And finally, when the time hit 5, we went back to our room and called our parents to have some dinner. So we went to PIK and enjoyed our dinner eating pork satay at Shao Kao. Without being tired, we went to Emporium mall to look for some lego. Once we got the one we liked, we went back to our hotel and had a nice sleep together.

Third day, i started the day swimming together with my brother. The swimming pool was a little bit crowded that morning. After an hour passed, me and my brother went to the restaurant in the hotel for breakfast. After breakfast, we went to our room and watched the diary of a Wimpy kid. My father ordered Burger King for our lunch. At 7, we went to Grand Indonesia together with Caitlyn and Cailyn's family, for a late dinner. As we arrived at Grand Indonesia, we stoped by at Wakai to buy a pair of shoes for my papi. Bought the shoes, we straightly went to Paulaner Brauhaus since every single of us were starving. Once we get there, the restaurant was a little bit full so we had to wait for 45 minues for a table. After the long wait, we finally got our seats and we spontaniously ordered the food. Then, we made our way back to the hotel and slept peacefully so that we can enjoy the next and yet the last day.

Last day, we had a regular breakfast at the hotel. After breakfast, my father and i played ping pong at the 5th floor. My body felt so great excercising even in a vacation. My mother were having a little conversation with auntie ivonne, Cait and Cai's mom. I was so excited because my mother's friend were coming to the hotel and we were going to Bandung together. Since the checkout time was 12, we got ourselves ready and packed the things into our bags. We did a recheck to make sure nothing's left behind in the hotel. Before 12, we put in our stuffs to our car. My mom and Auntie Ivonne took care of the check out progress while me and my two little friends were taking pictures together. The time showed forty five minutes past twelve. We went to taman anggrek for lunch. As we got there, we went to a Singaporean Bakut resto which i recently forgot the name. The food was very very delicous and i thought i ate way to much. We also went to uniqlo and bought some pants for my brother. Me and my mom went to Forever 21 and looked for some jewels. My mom bought earings and i bought some rings that suited me pretty well. Before making ourselves home to Bandung, me and my mom's friend who came this morning, bought some Japanese style bread at Francis incase we might be hungry on the way home. I decided to buy Jeju ice cream and i did. But, i was kinda' dissapointed with the ice cream because the size was smaller than the actual size they had in Bandung. So we finally made our way to Bandung and arrived there safely

Kamis, 30 Juni 2016

Running with a ghost (part 2)

I ran outside his house hurriedly. My heart pounded really fast and it nearly explode. Yes him. I didn't really remember the face of him. But i'm sure it's him.  Cloe's father. I thought it was me who heard it wrongly but no. Cloe's father should've been dead 3 years ago. Me and Cloe have never interacted since she and her mother moved to Australia.

As i ran as fast as i could, that uncle came out from his house and trued to chase me. So i ran faster and faster until i forgot where am i going to. In the middle of my fastest run, i fell unconscious.

When i woke up, i was already there back in his place. I still can't manage my heartbeat. My body trembled and he suddenly asked me.
                  "What's the matter son? I was startled when i saw you running away from my house so fast."
                  "W..wh...wh...who..who.. are you really?" I asked him. My body still trembled
                  "What do you mean by 'who are you?'? You know my beautiful daugther Cloe right?" He was a bit confused i guess.
                  "Here uncle listen. I know Cloe. She was my bestfriend until she moved to australia with her mother due to the death of his father. I thought you were dead 3 years ago. Are you trying to trick everybody?" I cannot hold my wreth anymore.
                  "Hey kid. My Cloe and the whole family has never gotten into Australia. Maybe you are mistaken about everything. Just calm yourself down first until you can fully remember what's going on." That uncle answered calmly.
                  "What do you mean i'm mistaken? My young mind remembers everything perfectly. I know exactly who you are and who Cloe is. James Kofflann who died 3 yeas ago was the father of Cloe Kofflann. She was my bestfriend how can i be mistaken about her. I know every single details about her." I forced him to believe me.

He laughed hard. I was confused of him. He was really tricking me this whole time
                   "Oh kid oh kid. Hahahahahahahaha. You really made a mistake dear boy oh boy. My name is James COPELAND not KOFFLANN and my daughter is the one you usually buy her cotton candies. Have you ever heard of her name? I guess you haven't. You must've misheard what i said. Oh my god dear boy." He continued his laugh.

                   I shut myself up and i was speechless of what just happened. How can i misheard his name. I was so ashamed of myself that i got angry to him so many time. I said sorry and i ran away from his house with full of shame. He was still laughing.


Jumat, 03 Juni 2016

Running with a ghost (part 1)

This evening, i began my new routine, training myself for next week's marathon my school hardly held. I was super excited to be participated in this marathon. It was an ordinary day and i trained along the neighborhood alone with my music jam on. While training, i suddenly saw a man peeked from his house. He starred at me intentionally. I gave him a smile but he ignored and continued to stare at me. I just pass the house by because i'm kind of scared.

The next day, i trained myself again like yesterday with my jam on again. I ran on the same neighborhood and i still saw the same man there stared at me. I became curious. I was willing to know his identity and to know the purpose of starring at me. I slowed myself down in front of his house. He still starred at me and i starred back in order to make him stop. But badly, he didn't. So as the next day, he did the same thing and so the day after it.

On friday, i couraged myself to knock at the door and to ask what he wanted. He slowly opened the door and greeted me horribly. I introduced myself and he let me in.
"Have a seat." He said with an unsincere smile.

He gave me a cup of water. He said that it is the only thing he had in the moment.

"Sorry to bother you, but i just stopped by to ask you a little question." I talked really fast.

"Go ahead. Anything you want to ask. I'll answer it once i could." He let me.

"Do you know me? Who are you? Why do you stare at me everyday? What's the purpose of doing that?" I was kind of anxious.

"My name is James Copeland. Father of Cloe Copeland. My daughter talked about you really often. She said you're really kind. I wasn't starring at you, i was enjoying myself looking on a such great guy."

BOOM. I nearly died when he said he was the father of Cloe. I can't breath. I tried to calm myself but it failed my heart pounded so fast. My body shaked so hard and my vision blurred. I was speechless. Cloe. She was My closest friend at school right before his father passed away.

To be continued...

tips on having great outfits everyday

1. Organize your wardrobe
By organizing you wardrobe, you will be able to find your clothes faster and easier.
2. Prepare outfit the night before
Picking outfit is the hardest thing of all time. To make sure everything is set up, you can pick your outfit the night before. By doing this, you will be able to use your time that day for preparing other things.
3. Search inspiration on internet
Searching insoiration is always the best Choice! We can have a larger preception about outfits.
4. Shop in the right place
Shopping is also needed for having great outfits. You can see many great outfits online or either at the shopping mall. Don't worry about the price. Great price always have great quality too!

Rabu, 04 Mei 2016

A hectic day

again with my auntie and my grandma, i spent a fatiguesome day. Everything which was planned so perfectly was ruined by traffic jam and the strong rainfall. We all got very anxious today. We were all hoping for a great day before the long weekend but everything was ruined.

So in the morning my auntie and i got ready for going to a perfume shop tp buy perfumes for her friend in Malaysia. I was really spiritful to go together with we went to our grandma's house to pick her up. As usual, i tuned in the song from the radio. We shared our stories together and we were excited. So as we arrived at our grandma's house, we just stopped for 5 minutes then we straightly go to batununggal for my short piano course. On the way to Batununggal, it was a great jam in the freeway accompanied with heavy rain. We stayed there for about 45 minutes until the road runs smoothly. When we just hit the road of Batununggal, something unexpected happened. The car shuts down itself. We were so surprised of what just happened and my aunt immidiately start the car again but it didn't worked. So we searched for help while my aunt is still inside the car trying to start the car. I was so stressful thinking of how i'm gonna' get to the course within 30 minutes. So we searched and searched for help until we got the number of a mechanic. Unfortunately, the mechanic wasn't able to come and fix our car. So we just asked by phone and fix it by ourselves. Fortunately, we were able to fix the car by our own hands. And then we went the the course within 2 minutes left. Thankfully i'm not late for the course. My auntie tries to find another labefection caused by the car while i do my course. It was a tiring day. gg.

Taman Hutan Raya Dago

         On May the first, i spent a magnificent day to start the month with my auntie from Malaysia.

So as planned, my auntie together with my grandma came to my house at about 9 in the morning. I dressed up in a comfy ripped jeans and a casual top from creo collection which is my own boutique. So i board in to my car and tuned in my favorite playlist in my phone. After anjoying the long journey, we arrived safely at TAHURA or Taman Hutan Raya Dago. It is a little cold but lovely place. The place is surrounded with many old tall trees and many cafes. We walked in through the pine cafe and ordered some snacks. I really enjoyed the scene there, it is very very beautiful scene where i can watch people cycling, walking and take pictures. All of us ate the food we ordered slowly for about 2 hours and then we left the place to go home. It is a pleasure for having a chance to go there.


Sabtu, 30 April 2016

foods your dog should and shouldn't eat

Are you confused when feeding your dogs? Yes of course, some foods shouldn't be given to your dogs. You need to becareful when feeding your dogs, some foods might be not good for your dog and cause something bad to happen. Let's see what food you can give to your dog and the one you can't.

1. Rice
2. Lettuce
3. Peanut butter
4. Meat
5. Banana
6. Pumpkin
7. Carrots
8. Fish
9. Pear
10. Spinach

1. Pineapple
2. Hotdog
3. Potato
4. Tomato
5. Blueberry
6. Brocolli
7. Strawberry
8. Watermelon
9. Bread 
10. Cheese

1. Popcorn
2. Shrimp
3. Cherry
4. Marshmallow
5. Almond
6. Corn
7. Celery
8. Pepper

1. Beer
2. Avocado
3. Apple seeds
4. Chocolate
5. Pomegranate
6. Garlic
7. Gums
8. Onion
9. Grapes
10. Walnut


Jumat, 29 April 2016

DIY Totebag

Totebag is really common in this present time. Even today, in Indonesia when shopping we have to pay an extra 200 rupiah for plastic bags. So it's time for us to have at least one totebag. Buying totebag will cost some money, how about making it by ourselves? It will be much easier and you can costum your own totebag! Let's start!!

prepare a plain totebag. We should buy a plain totebag, or maybe just use the old totebag. Because it's impossible for us to make totebag by ourselves.. It may be possible but it's hard to make one. So maybe if you have old totebag, just bleach them until the color is perfectly white.
Print out a picture. This is the time for you to print out some pictures you wanted to have in your totebag. Maybe for example, you can print out a typography or people you liked. This picture should be black because it is hard to make it colorful in your totebag. Don't forget!! You need to print it in the latellary inverted way (right becomes the left and left becomes the right)

Stick it to your totebag. After printing it, it's time for you to stick the picture into the totebag. How? Use an ironing to stick it. Flip the paper to the totebag and just iron it side to side. You need to iron it carefully to have the best result.

You're donee!! There you have it! You're beautifully made DIY totebag.


                            Hello! Are you confused to choose the best school for your JUNIOR HIGH? I have a solution! I really recommend you guys with this school because it has experienced a lot. Well this school has stood for about 65 years. So it has been proven that this school is good for our academic achievement. Our seniors graduated with high satisfying marks. So, without further talking, let me introduce you with........ *drumroll*
                SMPK 1 BPK PENABUR BANDUNG
                  This school has experienced a lot! It has made so many students graduate with high scores and sent them into well-known foreign countries around the world. Our school isn't that big but enough for us to learn many things. As every school does, we have one library that collects so many kinds of book. We have basketball field, dance studio, music studio, science lab, computer lab, and many more. We have many different programmes such as Dual Certificate Programme, Billingual Programme, and Classical programme. We also have many extra-curriculer. Our excur is dance, bastketball, band, make up, choir, ice skating, photography, scrapbook, papercraft, and many more. Also we have clubs for students that likes to join many competition. We have English club, science club, physics club, choir club, and math club. We also have champion class for brilliant students that want to join many olimpiade for math, science, and physics. Our teachers are also very good in teaching. They graduated from qualified universities. They teach us really well until we understand about the term or material being discussed. Our school has many rules as they wanted to teach the students to be discipline in every stuffs. We should bring our ID card and agenda every day. We should wear the complete uniform. We shouldn't bring gadgets as we have to focus on the studies. SMPK 1 BPK PENABUR has won serveral competitions and has marked as a great school. Our students scores can beat many other popular school's scores. We as a teacher and students of SMPK 1 BPK PENABUR are proud to be a part of this school.


Kamis, 28 April 2016

My tips on making videos ❤


YouTube is a large internet community for people to watch videos from many genres. People can watch many kinds of videos from Do It Yourself (DIY) videos, gaming videos, Music Video, Vlogs, short movies, parody, cover, and many others. YouTube can fill your leisure time. YouTube is very largeas you can search many kinds of videos that you like. Other than just watching, how about making one? Making YouTube videos isn't as easy as you think. We need to prepare much for making one. Let's hear my tips!

First step
Plan the content of the video. To make everything set up, we should first plan the content we want to make. Don't be so hard on thinking about the content, just rely on your hooby! For example, your hobby is making arts and crafts, then just make DIY of your own creativity. Or you like gaming, then just film yourself playing the game. To make everything easier, just write on a blank piece of paper about your content. Make it a rough sketch.

Second step
Plan the setting. Plan your place! Choose the most comfortable and cozy place. You may shoot the video in a cafe, your house, malls, studio, and etc. Think of the best place you can have. The cozier the place, the more comfortable your viewers will be when watching. You need to match your content with the place. If you're content is about animals, don't shoot the video in a basketball field. It would be weird for people to see.

Third step
Prepare the best camera. The quality of your video is also important. You need to choose the best camera you can have. So that it would be nice for your viewers to watch. Keep this on your mind! The worse the quality, the less viewers will be attracted to watch your video. So try your best to have the best camera. And don't forget, tripod will also help you! Tripod makes your camera stable nad not shaking here and there. If you don't have tripod, just try having tall chairs and put your camera there. Becareful! Your camera might fall.

Fourth step
Edit perfectly. Once you finished filming your video, it's time for you to edit it! Editing is not easy! You need to have a plenty of time to learn. First of all you need to have a great editing software that can help you editing. Secondly, you need to have good skills in editing. maybe you could learn from watching other videos in youtube or learning from seniors.

Fifth step
Publish on the perfect time. Publishing time is also important. Posting during weekends are the best because your viewers usually have leisure time during weekends. So it's a great possibility for your videos to be viewed more by viewers.

Shawn Mendes

Many musicians in this world succeed in entertaining people around the world. No wonder, they are all talented. They have their own way in creating music with different genres.

Shawn Mendes. He is one of the talented musicians in the entertaining industry. He was born in 8 August 1998 Toronto, Canada. The reason why i like him so much is because he has a great voice for singing. He also plays guitar whenever he sings. Age doesn't guarantee for being such an adorable musician like him. Although he is still very young, he can both inspire and entertain people around the world.

He wrote every single song he sings. He is absolutely talented in writing songs. I enjoyed listening each songs he wrote. One of my favorite song recently is Air featuring Astrid. Although the song is not that popular, that song is really comforting me. I love every beat of the song.

That 17 year old boy has colaborated with many talented artists like Camilla Cabello and Astrid. He also attended Taylor Swift's 1989 world tour and made the song 'I know what you did last summer' together with Camilla. That song has a long title, however, people still enjoy listening to it and so do i.



Easter or passover is regularly celebrated by Christians. For childrens, we usually celebrate this event by painting eggs together with markers or paints. Or else, some church or school usually hold events for Easter. They usually hide all of the beautifully painted eggs in a strategic place and let the childrens spread around and look for the eggs. Usually, kids with the most eggs will be rewarded a prize. Last but not least, we have easter bunny that sprinkles the atmosphere. Uncles or aunties will be dressed up with a cute bunny costume and they will company the childrens while playing.

Besides playing and decorating eggs, we also go to church and celebrate easter there. We should praise and worship Jesus because of his love to us. There, we can pray and worship Jesus feeely. For Catholics, we usually pray in front of the statue of Jesus Christ and Mother Mary lighting up the candles and put them in front of the statue. By celebrating easter, we can thank Jesus for everything He did.


Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Afterschool routine

The clock was ticking as i am waiting for the bell to ring. Everybody in the class starts yawning and makes annoying sounds. The teacher was explaining so much. Finally! The bell rang, and it means that it's time to go home. As the bell rings, everybody from other classes started to go out and make noises, it reminds me of the crowd i usually hear when shopping in the market with my grandmother. The leader leads us to the prayer and we greet our teacher goodbye. We pack our books and put it on our locker. We grab our bags and carry them on our back. We also carry our heavy folders in our hands. We went out the class as soon as possible and joined the crowd out. We chat and walked through the hallway. This is the moment when we suddenly wake up from our daydreams and cheered up like we're going somewhere we haven't gone before. Sometimes people made their way to the basketball field to practise their skills of playing basketball. Some students qued to use the public telephone in the lobby to make a call. Some goes to the library and do some researches there. Some goes to the canteen and do homeworks or projects with their friends. Some also have classes to join with their teachers. Some teachers have meetings to go. Some other teachers teach extra classes. The school was so busy with their own duties. I walk down stairs and go out from the school. It was so crowded, i'm going to die. Everybody outside are also walking and looking for their moms and dads. As they make their way out, they meet their parents or even their driver and go home. Some buys foods for their way home. Some others goes to Istana Plaza and hang out there. Some goes to Circle K. Some goes to ANEKA fotocopy shop to buy some stationaries and stuffs. While me and some of my friends crosses the street together. I make myself walk through the sidewalks and go to my employee who always pick me up after school. Then we go home safely. It was a long tiring day.



         I have a 18 months old cihuahua named Clover. He was bought by my family in December 2016 as a Christmas gift for me and my brother. We are both so happy for having a clever and adorable dog like Clover. He loves to play with me eveyday. He always ran through me when he see me coming home from school. His tail shakes whenever i came towards him. He always put his paw on my lap and ask me to play with him. When nobody's home, i usually sit on the floor and let him sit on my lap. He often goes to the dining room looking for food. Everyday i take him to walk outside and have regular exercises together. He always bark when he sees cat passing through our house. We are happy for having him. We love him so much. gg.

Senin, 29 Februari 2016

DCP trip to Singapore

We packed our stuff's in our luggage, and also we brought one empty totebag and one backpack or handbag. We were so excited until we went to the airport and gather there. We were so excited as we take our flight to Singapore. Once we were arrived, we took our bus to the hostel, and we went to science centre and Jcube. I bought laoban on the way home.

The second day, we went to Universal Studios Singapore which was extremely fun, we played there for hours. We really enjoyed playing there. Then we went to Vivo City and we had free time there. I ate dinner with my aunt and uncle and there was an embarasing part because once i was finished i rushed to the MRT station with my auntie, then i was late and my friends were all waiting there for me to come.. Ohh God i felt so embarassed i couldn't do any single thing. I'm just speechless.

The third day was the first day we went to Anderson Secondary school. We took a long walk from our dorm to the school it's about 10 minutes long. That morning, we sat in front and met our fellow friends in Anderson. It was such a great oportunity to know them. So we were divided into serveral groups and we were accompanied by partners. We joined their class which was kind of fun there. After school, i went to chinatown and shop there, it was really fun because lots of cheap stuffs for merchandise. We spent a lot of time there, but it was so hot, the sun almost pinch me. So we bought drinks from the minimarket. After that, we went to Ang Mo Ko hub and have dinner there. It was super fun and we really enjoyed it.

The fourth day we went to anderson school and learned so many things there. Afterschool we went to Marina Barrage. It was raining there, but when we arrived, the rain stopped as well. Then we went to Gardens by the Bay which was so pretty. We waited so long until night to see the lights attraction. it was extremely good since i haven't seen them in my entire life. Then we went back to our hostel and hurriedly jumped to our bed and slept there.

Fifth day, we took the long walk again to the school and met our fellow friends there. We joined their class which was a wrap i was so tired that day. After that long school, we went to Bugis, we went to Bugis junction and shop a lot there, i bought merchandises for my friends and family. We ate the fastest food we can have because we were so excited of shopping. Then we rushed and shop a lot there. I bought something for my mom and for my grandmother it was nice since i shopped together with my friends.

Sixth day, it was the last chance for us to meet our fellow friends from anderson. We said farewell to our friends once the class was over. We took a picture with Anderson's principal. We were so sad to leave our friends there. But, we were happy for one thing. We went to Orchard and we shopped a lot there. We went to kinokhuniya bookstore. Me, Felicia and Felice bought many  there. Also, we bought garret popcorn which was extremely good. We also went to H&M biggest store there. We shopped together and it took us so long to figure out what to buy.

The last day, hurriedly, we packed our bags and stuffs and make sure nothing's left behind. The bus we ordered was a little bit late so we took pictures while waiting. We boarded the bus and enjoyed the journey to the airport. We all enjoyed the last minutes we had there. We flew home safely and spent the rest of the day in Bandung.

Kebaktian Penyegaran Iman

Kebaktian Penyegaran Iman was held back then for students to freely praise and worship Jesus. It was held in GKI Anugrah Bandung. We sang lots of praise and worships. Everybody enjoyed this event so much. It was held for grade 7 and 8, the 9th grade didn't join because they are having a reatreat. the aim of having this event is to refresh our soul and make us feel refreshed with the new good spirits. Besides praise and worships, we were also told about being a good one. We were told that we were the water for rinsing feets after a long journey. But if we take it positively, we can change ourselves from poor into the one who was really worth, like the wine and beer. It's really expensive and worth for people. Then after that, the sermoner told us her lifetime. We were really sad hearing those stories, as we cried. We were told to say sorry to the people we have ever hurt, so we said sorry and cried. We promised to not do bad things again to people. Our spirits were made up as we go home and continue our activity.


Rabu, 10 Februari 2016

Happy Chinese New Year

                     My chinese New Year

                       Chinese New year is when Chinese people celebrates their new year. Most Chinese peoples gathered with their family and spend great times together. Recieving angpaos are the best part of all especially for childrens and unmarried people. We also have a tradition to eat foods according to our beliefs. We usually eat foods our grannie made. We also drink wine and spend our time together with our big big big family.

                       Since most of my family members were in Singapore, i spent my Chinese New year with small members. Maybe this year was different because i didn't recieve that much angpao than last year. But i spent a great time with my family chatting together and sharing stories abot ourselves. We went home a little earlier because we don't go to many houses as well. 

                              My outfit was a little girly but also tomboy. This year was different because i wore a sabrina top which is girly. And i wore my black jeans to make myself flexible when sitting on the floor. I didn't do any hairstyles because i feel that it was unessecary. I wore my flatshoes with a sling bag to make it a little tomboy. I just love my outfit i wore back then.

Rabu, 03 Februari 2016

Do you want to know tips for low budget trip to singapore?

    Here's some tips for a low budget trip you wanna know..

•Your flight
You need to plan your flight accurately starting from your flight time. You need to think when will you go to Singapore, because flight is the most important, once you make a mistake in choosing your flight, you will have a really huge loss. So check your schedule carefully and choose your favorite flight time.

Staying in rooms like dorms are much better for you, peoples in Singapore usually provide one extra room for stragers to stay for an extra income. Instead of staying in an expensive hotel, i prefer rooms like thiss.. it's much cheaper than staying in hotels. But you also need to becareful when choosing rooms like this. If you're not, you're whole trip will be ruined only because of this.

Foods in singapore are very expensive for the restaurant rate. So eating in the citizen's canteen/ staff's canteen is muchh much better. The price is cheaper but the taste and portion is the same as the restaurant, maybe the portion can be larger than restaurants. By doing this, you may save a lot of money.

Okay, so this is all my tips for a budget trip. Hope that this tips can be functional for you guys.


Selasa, 26 Januari 2016


         Hello it's me!

      Hello readers! I apologize that i forgot to introduce myself to you, readers. 

              My name is Laurell Olina, you may know me from YouTube. I experienced a lot in making videos for YouTube. Now, i am writing blogs for ICT and English project. I like making videos and vlogs. But, i might be a little different when writing. Writing is a little thing to escape from my reality because i can express myself more in writing rather than in a video. I'll do my best uploading new posts every week for you to read. I hope by reading my posts, you can be consoled with it. thankyouu!! xoxo. gg.

Senin, 25 Januari 2016

christmas break ❤

          Last new year's eve, i spent my time at Dago celebrating with my aunties and uncles from Malaysia. I stayed at the Executive Suite room at Clove Hotel. We brought some snacks and beverages from Bandung. We brought sausages and potatoes for barbeque also a massive bottle of wine and vodka. 
            Yaayyy!! Late afternoon. We're arrived safely at Clove hotel Dago. We entered our cozy room and relaxed for a couple minutes. Without further do, me, my brother, and my cousins changed into swimsuits and jumped in to the tub for a bubble bath. We played together as i tuned my favourite song playlist. Once we finished, we rinse ourselves up and went to the dining section in our Suite room. My mommy was cooking sausages and we watched nickelodeon while waiting for the sausages to be served. 
              Late at night, we went to the garden to enjoy the free barbeque dinner. I was dissapointed with the food. It wasn't that awesome. But we enjoyed the food because it's free. Hehehe. Actually i was a bit sleepy but i was excited, so i decided to stay up late until it's the time. We went back to our room and waited. My cousins were sleeping in their room while i had a conversation full of laughters with my uncle and aunt. We shared thoughts of the year 2015.
                   00.00. It was cold and raining, everybody set up the fireworks and the trumpets. We watched fireworks from our hotel room. We saw so many beautiful fireworks up in the dark sky. I snapchatted the firework and posted it online. I hugged my grandma and my mom and dad, also my uncle and aunt. "Happy new year." I said. Tears almost came out from my eyes. Actually i was a little bit sad at that moment, i thought about how i spent my life in the year of 2015, and it's been a while. 
